
Enterprise D: Orthos

Here are the orthos of her majesty and some facts: 1,085,803 polygons, 824 MB RAM usedTextures (so far): three 4096×4096 sets (color, normal, spec), one 3072×3072 set, one 1703×1703 set, one 866×1024 set I think …

Enterprise D

Since a couple of weeks I am working on the Enterprise D. The modelling is already done and I am now doing UV mapping and texturing with the saucer almost finished. I modeled the cobra …

Download Updated

There have been issues with the latest Enterprise-B download, I fixed these and updated all files: missing specular texture – I rebuild the engineering texture from scratch, cause I lost all PSDstexture error in the …

Enterprise B

After I watched Start Trek – Generations about two months ago, I was totally up to model the Enterprise B. So now here it is: Some stats: nealy 600,000 polygons, two 6144×6144 textures sets, one …

Vulcan ships done!

Finally I made it, all three ships are done (well, since a couple of weeks, I haven’t updated my blog since then. shame on me)Check out the images and the upcoming trailer for Star Trek …